This month, to celebrate the ADA's 30th anniversary, the ERC will be reflecting on the impact the legislation has had, as well as the work that still needs to be done to achieve true equity for [...]
Despite protections in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), polling locations across the country remain inaccessible for people with disabilities.
The need for accessible sidewalks does not change by the season. What does change is the effects of winter months on sidewalks. Snow is no excuse for inaccessibility, nor is the government [...]
With the rise of virtual housing searches and online rental applications, it is becoming far harder to ignore that inaccessible websites have dangerous implications for fair housing.
The From Click to Visit report used civil rights testing to uncover numerous barriers to housing for people with disabilities. In particular, the report’s findings raise major concerns about [...]